
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope everyone in the U.S. is enjoying Labor Day weekend and getting some extra reading time in. I'm hoping to get caught up with both my reading and blogging. I feel like I've been starting and not finishing a lot of books and jumping from book to book too much so I haven't had much to post. I finished Howards End on Friday and loved it and will have a review up soon. I also just finished Tyrell, a powerful young adult book I also want to review soon.

I'm in the middle of The Secret History by Donna Tartt, which is beautiful and intriguing and is taking all of my attention. I'm also in the middle of 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King, but it just hasn't grabbed me the way his other works have and I'm struggling with getting back into it. I almost finished with Clarissa - I've had only 70 pages left for several weeks! My goal is to finish it this weekend and finally put that one behind me. I also started reading Color, a nonfiction book Eva recommended, and Lies My Teacher Told Me. I like both, but haven't been in the mood for much nonfiction lately. I did skim through Curiosities of Literature yesterday, but the poor, unclear writing put me off so I just looked through a few sections of interest to me. It was disappointing.

Coming up, I want to read The Good Soldier by Ford Maddox Ford, The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, and 20 plus other books I have checked out from the library right now. I wish I were kidding. I have a problem. I'm also hoping to read some American and Oklahoma history alongside Ryan for some classes he's taken this semester. (He's going back to school to be a history teacher.)

I'm off now to try to catch up on my blog reading and commenting. Happy reading!


  1. Ooh, are you enjoying Colour? I read it after Eva's recommendation too and just loved it.

    And I liked Salem's Lot. I don't think it's as good as Misery/The Shining etc but I did like his play on small town America.

    1. I am enjoying Color - I'm just having trouble focusing on non-fiction for some reason. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend so hopefully I get over that problem soon.
      Salem's Lot picked up a LOT after I posted this. It wasn't until page 70 or so that I really got into the story. In 11/22/63 and Carrie, I was hooked from page one, so that just threw me off. I think I'll end up liking it though.

  2. I really enjoyed The Secret History! Such a great gothic-y read!

    1. I know!!! I finished in like three days, despite it being a zillion pages long. I've got to get a post written about it.
